Content is king when it comes to social media and SEO. Creating relevant and engaging content for your business allows you to bring traffic to your site. When coupled with a strong digital strategy you’ll be able to engage with these people outside of your website. If you’ve chosen your audience correctly, content can be the beginning of your sales process because it shows an interest in your industry.

Developing engaging content however is not as simple. Here are 5 tips to come up with content for your business.
- Think Tank
- Competitors
- Keyword Tools
The Think Tank
If you have employees, the first thing I would do is order a pizza and sit everyone down together. Explain to them that this is a topic brainstorm for your blog and social media. My goal would be to put together 14 new topics. That’s about three months worth of content if you released a post every week. When leading a meeting like this one, just sit back and ask questions. It will be important for the team to think about your customers, your products, industry information and needs. Sit with a pad and start taking notes. Go over the notes and start putting together content ideas.
Now that you have some ideas in your hands. Go look at what your competitors are doing. You can do this by looking up your competitor’s website in a google and adding “site:” prior to the URL.
This should give you a list of pages. Go through the headlines and read the articles. If you like a format or topic, take it and make it your own.
Keyword Tools
You should have an adequate list of topics by now. I would suggest taking your list of topics and identifying the keywords. put them in an excel document. For each keyword, type it into This should yield you a substantial list of keywords and questions. Go through the lists and see which topics interest you.
Also you can use certain tools to measure keyword volume.