Three Things to Keep Doing in 2020

How do you ensure that your company lives as an option in the mind of your customer when they need your services?

In my experience, it takes a solid marketing plan and consistency woven into a well designed website and marketing initiatives.

Americans see between 4,000-10,000 ads per day depending on where they live. Ads are so pervasive, they are often referred to as noise, but I like to think of them as “white noise.” After a certain point, people don’t even notice the ads. There are thousands of companies throwing their money away on ads that don’t get noticed.
So how do you stay one step ahead? Every month, a new marketing trend emerges to answer that tired question. It’s okay to test these trendy new solutions, but keep your focus on what works. Here are three things you should keep doing to cut through the noise this year.

  1. Keep Building Your Email List
  2. Integrates Text and Bots on your website
  3. Update your Blog Posts

Keep Building Your Email List

Email is one of the least expensive ways to advertise. Often it will only cost you the time to think of a good headline and a solid offer to see a return. And your email list is 100% yours. It doesn’t belong to Facebook or Google. So, my suggestion work on your email list.

web design and email list
are you integrating your email list into your web design and marketing activities?

Build pages that talk to a particular type of customer and create sign up sheets on those pages. This way you have a specific person in mind when you’re writing those emails. I often hear that give-a-ways and gimmicky ads are a way to boost email sign ups. I’ve seen a lot of people go about this the wrong way. This tactic might generate emails, but will it generate the right emails?

There should be at least one sign up form on every page of your site when you design your website.

Integrate Text and Bots on your Website

In my experience younger generations don’t like phone calls. SMS and online messaging are less formal than email. Integrating chat on your website creates a less formal sales approach. People are more comfortable to interact with you in this way.

web design add a chat bot

The statistics on chatbot are incredible. Some key takeaways are:

  1. that over one-third of people have bot something through a chatbot.
  2. The top quarter of companies are using a chatbot.
  3. They often save a ton money in customer service-30%.
  4. Year-in, Year-out, Chatbot popularity has increased over the last 5 years.

Update Your Blog Posts

If you’ve been around a while you might have some blog posts that used to bring in some traffic. Over time that traffic might have dwindled with the entrance of competition. Updating your posts with small edits or additions will help you stay at the top of search results. SEO aside, the nature of your business changes year to year. Your customer will feel comforted to see that you’re on top of that. It positions your company as an expert. It’s also a low-cost way of creating new content. You can post this “new” material in your newsletter and on your social media channels.


Life has a tendency to pull us in many directions at the same time. In business marketing this can be bad for your business. So this year I encourage you to focus on what works: build your email list, integrate chat bots and update your blog posts .

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